Three Quick Worldbuilding Tips (and one secret trick)

Just how high are those dunes? And what’s the average daily temperature?


Worldbuilding is fun, and the reason why many of us are speculative fiction writers. Dreaming of faraway planets, vibrant cultures, and lush landscapes is a great escape for us, and we aspire to provide that same escape for our readers.

Yet, many writers get lost in the worldbuilding. They spend all their time examining the fauna and flora of Solaroom, losing sight of their characters and plot. They stay in the gardens and never finish their stories or novels.

I have become quite efficient in worldbuilding over the last few years, due to devoting time to writing flash fiction and short fiction. My first pro sale to Fireside was a 750-word story set on Mars. It had pages and pages of worldbuilding that never made it to the final piece. But those words were not wasted; the worldbuilding helped make sure every little detail packed a punch.

I tend to write the beginnings of a novel during NaNoWriMo, then return to it intermittently in the following months, then again abandon it again for other projects. I have way too many worlds hiding in my desktop folders; mages, elves, paratroopers, aliens, diplomats, warriors. This murky ground is where many writers get lost, bogged down by the messy middles of projects and details of the world, not letting characters and plot guide the way. After racking up fully-completed short stories, I’m now on the verge of finishing a full draft of the first novel in my sci fi series. Here are three tips I learned along the way:

1) Just Start Writing

Let your characters guide your writing. They’ll let you know what their values are, what’s important to them, what they love and hate. Mannerisms and speech patterns will start emerging. They’ll get messy with each other, fighting and falling in love. They’ll show you the most important things you need to know about their worlds.

Whether you want to outline your story first or not doesn’t matter; you’ve got to start getting the words on the page and building on it each day or week. By starting with your characters, everything centers on them. You don’t need detailed descriptions of the most coveted and beautiful flower on all of Solaroom to start writing.

2) Mark Along the Way

It can be easy to get stuck when your character references a historic treaty you haven’t fully thought out yet (When and where did they sign that? What was the societal and economic impact? How do different generations feel about it?). Suddenly, it’s hours later and you have a deep dive into this treaty- and you’re still on Chapter 3.  And it turns out, seven chapters later, the treaty isn’t actually that important. Or needs to be rethought entirely.

Instead of practicing what signatures looked like on that treaty, highlight the reference to the treaty and any other political elements you need to work out. Leave a comment where you need to expand on the evolution of elven weaponry. If you want to go nuts, develop a color-coding system for layers of revision, a different color for each character or species. But most importantly, keep going. Those details come later.

3) Try Worldbuilding Sprints

I recently took part in the World Anvil Summer Camp Worldbuilding Challenge, completing 33 worldbuilding prompts during the month of July. The prompts were creative and helped me figure out different elements of my story. But they must be used with caution.

I used the prompts to create sprints. I set a 10-minute timer and 300 word-count goal for any prompt. I would do one as a writing warm-up or as something to mull over before turning in for the night. These sprints helped fuel some of my writing but were never the goal of the day. My goal was always to get more words on the page of my novel and push through the first draft.

As I’m nearing the finish line on the first draft of this novel, I’m already eager to dive into revision. That’s the one secret trick- the magic of worldbuilding is in revision. On your second or fifth draft, you can get lost in the gardens of Solaroom (they ARE beautiful) or develop elaborate political timelines, but all with focus and clarity because you know your characters and story.

What are your world building tricks? Drop them in the comments below!

How to Get Published in 25 Easy Steps

1. Brainstorm a whole slew of story ideas. Watch as they fly around you like gnats. Overanalyze each idea. Eat nachos. Finally pick an idea.


2. Agonize over whether you are a pantser or a plotter. Read a bunch of blogs about outlining and take a few quizzes. Was Hemingway a drunk pantser? Just how detailed was J.K. Rowling’s outline?  Research and download templates. Decide you don’t like templates. Spend weeks making detailed character sketches, including the minor character’s favorite brand of underwear (Calvin Klein because he’s so 90s hoity like that).

JK Rowling

3. Sit down to write the story. Wait, there’s laundry to do! Look how cute the cat is right now. Oh snap, writers are supposed to have a social media presence. Lemme tweet something. And start an Instagram. And brew coffee. Writers must drink coffee right?


4. Turn off your wifi and write the story. Slug away at it for days or weeks or months until one day you’re done with a first draft. Smile proudly at your piece. This is how Michelangelo must have felt after he completed David.

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5. Read your first draft. Cry and consider quitting writing. It’s terrible, your ideas are terrible and there’s no character development and you could drive a truck through the plotholes. You should have written about that other idea. You’re not sure where to start revising.

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Via Giphy

6. Go back to your piece and move scene by scene.  Build in themes, arcs, details.  Take out the backstory, add dialogue. Wow, you’re tired. This is why writers need coffee.

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Via Giphy

7. Send the piece to your critique group. Spend all week analyzing everything you did wrong with the story and mentally prepare yourself for an onslaught of criticism. The group will probably kick you out for being the World’s Worst Writer. You just know they’re side texting about how awful your story is.

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8. Go to the critique. GASP OMG they like your story!  But they give you a ton of feedback on things that need to change, things that you totally missed. Your skin thickens.

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9. Feel intimidated by the revision work you have to. Start another piece or focus on your job or family or video games or Netflix. You won’t admit it, but you don’t want to do the hard work of really revising this piece. The comments from the group sit in a folder on your desktop. THIS IS THE POINT OF NO RETURN. You must move forward or the piece dies a slow death in Microsoft Word.

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10. Pull out the piece and the comments. As much as you want to move on to the shiny new piece, dive into this piece. Make changes and hear the piece singing, at first softly like a bird, then loudly like a choir. It’s actually coming together!

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11. Give your piece to your Trusted Final Reader. Your TFR gives you honest and direct feedback. You listen and respond by yelling BUT I DON’T WANT TO REVISE ANYMORE. IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE PERFECT. YOU CLEARLY DON’T LOVE ME. Go to a corner and sulk.

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12. Analyze TFR’s feedback. Decide what you really want this piece to be about. You may actually have to burn your piece and start new. Make your final revisions. This can take hours or months.

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13. Now it’s time to edit! This should be easy after all that damn revision. Oh shit, did you type boobs instead of boots? And what is a comma splice? This is soooooo boring. Ask that grammar friend edit it too because they love telling you things like “That gerund really shouldn’t be the subject.”

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14. Research a bunch of lit magazines. Read about submission guidelines and standard manuscript format and cover letters. Start to get intimidated. Push forward.

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15. Pick a magazine…upload your docs…hover over the submit button…then submit! You experience a rush of adrenaline! You carefully track everything in an excel sheet or Duotrope.

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16. Obsessively check your email and submission stats. Feel your heart skip a beat at every email ping. Do lots of waiting.

desperate housewives waiting GIF by HULU

17. Crickets.

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18. Get your first rejection. Ouch. Submit again.

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19. Get your next rejection. Ouch.

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20. Garner up enough rejections to swim in, like Scrooge McDuck in his money. You get used to seeing the word “unfortunately” in your inbox. You feel really, really sad. You wonder why we do this to ourselves.

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21. Work on your next piece and fall back in love with bringing characters to life and building a new world. The rejections continue, but you keep submitting, sometimes with zeal, sometimes after long breaks.

neil patrick harris yes GIF by Rosanna Pansino

22. Wait…a personal rejection! You’ve WON! You feel (slightly) validated. You’re not the worst writer the world has ever seen, but now you’re even hungrier for an acceptance.

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23. You have 5, 10, 20 pieces out at any given time. Then…you get it! Your acceptance! Someone is willing to give you $ (maybe) and they will publish your piece. YOU ARE LEGIT.

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24. Your piece is published and you promote it and everyone loves you! Your Aunt Susan leaves comments all over social media and your mom wants a printed copy, even though it’s only online.

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25. Start again.

erase tv land GIF by nobodies.

Inspiration for Speculative Writers

My current writing inspiration, taken on a trip to India a few weeks ago.

Where do you go to get new ideas? Do they come to you in your dreams, on walks, during brainstorm sessions, or while reading someone else’s work?

If you’re stuck, or looking to breathe some new life into your stories,  here are some suggestions.

  1. Visit new places in your city, and bring your notebook.
    1. Once you arrive, brainstorm a list of words to describe what you see. Start with nouns, then throw in adjectives to describe the nouns.
    2. Do different rounds for all the senses. Don’t think too hard about this. List the first words that come to mind.
    3. Look for emerging patterns. Are you starting to capture the dark, damp, and ominous feel of the Houston cistern? Or the busy, urban feel of Discovery Green? What kind of characters would hang out there, and why?
    4. Make it speculative by changing the setting to another planet or fantasy setting. What if the cisterns were part of an abandoned space colony? What if Discovery Green was the center of a major hub in your fantasy world?
  2. Read the latest spec lit journals.  I love Clarkesworld, Uncanny, Fireside Fiction, and Strange Horizons. These spec magazines and their writers win awards all the time for good reason.
    1. Read a few stories you like, then decide on a favorite and put your writer hat on. Make a list of all the reasons the story works. Is it the characters, the syntax, the plot twist, the poetic language?
    2. Take an old story and try revising it based on these elements. Mimic the sentence structure, add in some powerful imagery, up the ante on your word choice. Breathing new life into an old story is just as exciting as generating something new (I promise).
    3. If you want to create something completely new, take a side character from one of your old works and give them their own story, using the techniques you liked during your reading. You already know the world, so really focus on your prose and craft.
  3. Try your hand at flash fiction. Read Daily Science Fiction, Flash Fiction Online, or the Arcanist for some inspiration. Flash can be less intimidating to write, revise, edit, and submit if you haven’t gone through the full writing/submission cycle yet. Flash is how I got my start in getting my work published, and has definitely improved my craft as I work on longer pieces and my novel.
    1. Set a timer and just write about the first idea that comes into your head. Aim for 750 words.
    2. Look through your writing and circle anything and everything you like. Did a character stand out, or a setting?  A particular word or phrase?
    3. Use your favorite pieces to build a story with a clear beginning, middle and end.
    4. Revise revise revise until it looks like something you would see in any of the above-mentioned journals.  You’ll get there. 🙂

Be a creative, really live it and breathe it. Take advantage of any summer travel. Squeeze in a few minutes each day to grow your new ideas. You owe it to yourself and to your future readers.

Replica at Stages Theatre

You have three months to live before succumbing to a terminal illness. Would you create a Replica of yourself, meaning your spouse and young children could continue to live their lives with “you” still in it?

The new play Replica asks viewers to consider this immense moral question, along with several other ethical dilemmas. What are memories, exactly, and how do they shape who we are? Is it more important to know the truth, or know what you believe is the truth?

The actors keep the audience guessing and thinking, wondering what turn and twist will come next. Like any good science fiction story, the pros and cons of new and rapidly advancing technology are explored through complex characters. Ultimately, it’s up to the viewer to decide what’s right and wrong, and where their own moral line is.

Twins Janna and Julia Cardia star as the woman and the Replica. I really felt the twin chemistry these two have – they are comfortable with each other yet at odds with each other, and a delight to watch when they are both present on the stage. The doctor had some great one liners and helped serve as a guide throughout the play.

The real standout of this show, however, was the stage. The clean, modern lines, bright lighting, and futuristic color scheme of silvers and greys set a perfect backdrop for the tone and mood. The stage adds an immersive experience that allows the audience to live in and experience the science fiction world as opposed to just reading about it. As a writer, this play encouraged me to think more about my setting and how it impacts my stories. Replica also inspired me to study playwriting.  Since the show, I’ve been working my way through Geek Theatre.

Andrew and I had a lovely time on Saturday at the world premier of Replica. It was our first time at Stages Repertory Theater, and we really enjoyed the experience! We stopped by Pass and Provisions afterwards and discussed the play at length over fancy cocktails. Overall, it was a lovely Houston evening.

I would love to see more SciFi plays! Drop me a line if you have a favorite.