Fiction Publications

I enjoy writing fiction of all types, from flash pieces of 750 words to to novels approaching 70K words. I mostly write speculative fiction, but also play in poetry and literary prose.  I’ve been part of an active writer’s critique group for more than five years, and enjoy staying involved in the vibrant Houston writing scene.

My published pieces include:

Clark Street Merrow, The Knicknackery, August 2020

Fourth Trimester, Spider Road Press, July 2020

A Martian Woman’s Guide to Surviving the Gravity Chamber, Fireside Fiction, February 2019

The Alien in 36B, Daily Science Fiction, January 2019

The View from Mars. The Arcanist, December 2017. Podcast version December 2019.

Don’t be Seen. In Media Res: Stories from the In-Between, September 2016.

Not Mom. Flash Fiction Magazine, 2016, also included in Flash Fiction Magazine’s Anthology.